Luxembourg Business Registers’ (LBR) new requirement to register at LNIN for all individuals connected to entities registered on the RCS
Q: What is the requirement
A : All natural persons must record their National Identification Numbers (LNIN) with the RCS for every entity they are connected to that is registered with the RCS.
The requirement applies whether the individual resides in Luxembourg or not.
Q: When does it come into effect?
From 12 November 2024, this requirement will be mandatory.
Q: What is a “natural person”?
A: A natural person is an individual rather than a corporate entity and includes managers, directors, shareholders, partners, auditors, authorized representatives, etc.
Q: What is an LNIN?
A: The Luxembourg national identification number (LNIN) is a unique and personal social security identification number, assigned by the State.
Supporting services we are offering
For impacted legal entities
We can submit the required LNIN numbers to the RCS for an entity
To do this we need the LNINs for all individuals associated with the entity. We will ensure they are communicated to the RCS using the correct requisition form and including the usual identification information i.e. surname, first names, date and place of birth.
Luxembourg residents and employees will find their LNIN on their CNS card.
No supporting document concerning the national identification number is required.
Cost: €500* per legal entity.
For individuals without an LNIN
We can complete the LNIN application procedure for an individual.
To do this, we will complete the relevant requisition form and submit it to the RCS with the necessary supporting documentation. We will follow-up regarding the status of the application until it is approved.
We will ensure that any personal data we collect is processed and stored in compliance with GDPR requirements.
Once an LNIN is assigned, it is sent by post to the individual’s private residence used in the application.It is not made public.When we are appointed as an individual’s proxy, we will see the newly created national identification number in the filing proof.
We will also store the LNIN record to facilitate RCS filing process.
Cost: €400* per individual.
To do this, we need the following information:
a. Last name
b. First names (as on supporting document)
c. Date, place and country and birth
d. Gender (male, female, unknown)¹
e. Nationality: and,²
f. Private home address (number, street, postal code, locality, country)³
The application must include the following supporting documentation:
- Proof of identity
- a photocopy of a valid national identity card; or
- a photocopy of a valid passport
- Proof of private residence address
- a certificate of residence issued by the municipality (or an official document from the regional authority competent for confirming home addresses), or
- a declaration of honor from the person concerned stamped or countersigned by the regional authority responsible for confirming residential addresses, an embassy, a notary, a police station, or
- if none of these documents can be produced: a water, electricity, gas, telephone or internet access bill
Documents such as a criminal record, application for registration on the electoral lists, lease contract, tax statement, bank statement, insurance contract, “Amazon…” invoice, residence permit etc. will not be accepted.
For documents that are not in French, German, Luxembourgish or English, a simple translation (not sworn) must also be provided.
NOTE: 1, 2, 3 Information relating to the gender, nationality and private domicile of the natural person are not registered in the RCS but will be sent to the Centre des technologies de l’information de l’Etat for inclusion in the National Register of Natural Persons. They are therefore communicated to the RCS solely for the purposes of creating the national identification number.
*Excluding VAT and any standard filing costs requested by the RCS. The cost of requesting the updated RCS extract after LNIN’s filing is completed will also be additional.