Regulation, Risk Modeling, and Reporting

Sophisticated compliance and forecasting software to enhance your strategic planning

Professional using our Risk Modeling and Reporting tool
Shot of unrecognizable businesspeople looking at business charts

Digital solutions to mitigate your regulatory and performance risk

Regulatory compliance is more than a legal requirement: it’s essential to reducing your reputational and performance risk. It’s also a huge job, and before you can accurately forecast risk you have to glean insight from complex datasets — analysis requiring cost-effective, scalable modeling tools.

Alter Domus’ technology solutions help financial institutions and collateralized loan obligation (CLO) managers comply with CECL and IFRS9 reporting requirements and monitor CLO risk. We take regulatory reporting, compliance, and risk analysis to new levels of sophistication, flexibility, and accuracy, giving you a critical edge.

ALLL+ is our best-in-class solution to understand your credit risk and maintain regulatory compliance. Risk Modeler is our automated, scalable risk-forecasting and stress-testing software. Solvas Compliance is a rules-based, user-configurable, and scalable platform that provides clear calculations for your CLOs.

Turn data into better decisions while minimizing risk

Answer your next “what if” questions

Anticipate future IFRS9 and CECL regulatory changes, potential risk performance, and CLO compliance limits with the latest analytics.

Utilize your own data

Unlock value from your own data to enrich your decisions, deepen insights, and end the sole reliance on industry standards.

Avoid coding

Our scalable, tailored modeling capabilities developed by domain experts provide no-coding simplicity

Get the best from our software

We partner with you to provide all the support you need, from the initial mapping of customer data to troubleshooting for data discrepancies.

Get in touch with our team

Contact us today to learn more about our regulation and risk technologies.

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Asset Monitoring & Covenant Management

Game-changing technology for better efficiency and insight across the credit cycle

Asset monitoring and covenant management in action
Business Finance, accounting, contract, advisor investment consulting marketing plan for the company with using tablet and computer technology in analysis.

Asset monitoring: Take the burden out of tracking, reporting, settling, and more

As investment in alternative assets grows, private credit teams face daunting demands. Tracking covenant deliverables, administering and reporting on assets, settling trades, and sourcing data on multiple companies is arduous and time-consuming — and so is locating all the information to support those efforts, especially when it’s stored in outdated legacy tools like Excel.

Alter Domus offers sophisticated technology that streamlines private credit tasks while providing a 360-degree view into your portfolio.

DealFact, our covenant tracking and management tracking platform, and Credit-Vision, our front-office asset monitoring tool, enable the flow of data from document collation to extraction, providing a holistic view of your portfolio and assets. On the back-office side, our asset administration and reporting tool, Solvas Portfolio, and trade settlement portal, CorTrade, enhance your real-time data access, transparency, and reporting.

Each platform can be used by itself or as part of your full-service private credit solution.

Comprehensive solutions to cut time, effort, and error

Reduce tedious manual labor

Drive operational efficiencies and free your teams to focus on strategy imperatives.

End the reliance on legacy tools

Fit-for-purpose software and domain expertise deliver accurate, timely data to reduce errors across the board.

Harmonize your data

Our managed service can migrate both your historical covenant documentation and your historical portfolio documentation.

Upgrade your insight

Get an accurate view of your deal portfolio documentation through DealFact and a 360-degree perspective of your assets through Credit-Vision and Solvas Portfolio.

Connect data for better information

An intelligent machine learning framework connects corporate financial documentation between DealFact and Credit-Vision.

Get in touch with our team

Contact us today to learn more about our Asset Monitoring & Covenant Management services.

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Data Extraction and Harmonization

Advanced automation and domain expertise that make data a source of truth

Automated data extraction
Business document report on paper and tablet with sales data and financial business growth graph on table background.

Access actionable data, a single source of truth

The growth in alternative assets has increased the volume, complexity, and cost of managing data. Yet understanding that data is key to understanding fund performance and risk.

When data is unstructured (think emails, business documents, images) and non-digitized, it is more difficult to access and use. As a result, you lose insights and efficiencies.

Built within an automated machine learning framework, our Digitize solutions for corporate financials, fund financials, CLO loan documentation, and investor financials ingest high volumes of complex documents and create instantaneous access to actionable data.

We use a combination of human capital and technology to extract, validate, and deliver critical datasets across your organization, making it the ultimate source of truth.

Digitize solutions: Automated data extraction to generate insights

Save time and money and scale operations

Reduce costs and intensive manual labor and reallocate resources to strategic decision-making.

Improve transparency and compliance

Meet increasing demands from your partners, clients, and regulators for greater data transparency and timeliness.

Free yourself from outdated tools

Once digitized, key information is freed from the limitations of PDFs and legacy data tools such as Excel.

Inform smarter strategy

More accurate data offers clearer insight to guide your strategic investment and allocation decisions.

Grow without worry

Our Digitize data extraction solutions are fully scalable, delivering accurate views of your funds, fund of funds, or portfolio as they grow.

Get in touch with our team

Contact us today to learn more about our Data Extraction and Harmonization services.

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Investor Management Overview

Elevate productivity and transparency through efficient, secure data sharing with investors

Investor management meeting

Streamline your investor reporting and communications

The increasing complexity within the alternatives market has posed challenges in furnishing prompt and precise data to your investors. Using outdated methods to share documents and data not only introduces inefficiencies but also potential inaccuracies and security vulnerabilities. These factors collectively may impede your ability to meet investors’ expectations.  

Alter Domus’ Investor Portal streamlines the reporting process by offering a centralized platform for delivering documents and data to your investors. Quickly and efficiently deliver tailored reports, providing a comprehensive overview of their investments.

Alter Domus’ Marketing Data Room seamlessly integrates with the Investor Portal to allow smooth, secure sharing of sensitive deal information with your potential investors.

Enhance investor confidence

Increase data transparency

Leverage dashboard features to share more granular data insights with your investors, leading to a decrease in investor inquiries.

Stay connected to your investors

Gain insights into investor activity by tracking their platform interactions and document engagement.

Keep pace with reporting requirements

Meet investor and regulatory demand for more frequent reporting and custom reporting requests.

Make fundraising smoother for everyone

Provide a seamless experience for investors throughout their journey with an integrated data room.

Get in touch with our team

Contact us today to learn more about our investor management technology solutions.

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Real Asset Servicing

Simplifying your operations through customized services

What is Real Asset Servicing?

Complex transactions mean complex operations. By coordinating investor transactions across the layered structure, Alter Domus simplifies your day-to-day activities — and helps you optimize your portfolio, enhance asset performance, and maximize returns. We provide comprehensive fund administration, including for SPVs, dedicated investor services, corporate secretarial, and more. Our strong local knowledge across jurisdictions ensures regulatory compliance in every market.

Full coverage, no matter how you structure your investments

Work with specialists

Our 1,600-plus real asset experts share your focus. We’ll customize our teams, processes, and platforms to meet your sub-asset and other requirements.

Unleash a single-source solution

Get all the support you need: We service all vehicles from the fund down to the asset and across jurisdictions.

Enhance investor satisfaction

Comprehensive investor services, including investor relations services, help you improve transparency and responsiveness, and build trust.

Make the data talk

Alter Domus’ state-of-the-art technology provides unparalleled insight for better, more competitive decision-making

Remain compliant

We know the regulatory and tax reporting pressures international fund managers face. On-the-ground support helps ensure compliance.

Boosting your efficiency and performance in real assets

Vertical integration means we service the full structure: fund vehicles, tax blockers, GPs, carry structures, property companies, debt companies, and more.

Our coverage map covers the world. You’ll never worry about where your support is coming from.

We can lift out your in-house operations to reduce payroll and help you reallocate your resources.

Alter Domus offers advanced technology platforms to facilitate seamless data management, reporting, and analytics.

The Real State of Real Estate

The real estate market has offered many challenges in recent years. Here we assess the opportunities beginning to arise and the role of advanced services and technology on your operations.

Key contacts

Anita Lyse

Anita Lyse


Global Sector Head, Real Assets

Get in touch with our team

Contact us today to learn more about Alter Domus’ Real Asset Servicing.

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Borrowing Base Administration

Confidently drive growth and manage cash flow with ease

What Is Borrowing Base Administration?

Ensuring collateral compliance to maintain financing against a portfolio of loan investments is a challenging bit of business. Risk surrounds the calculation process: Misstate borrowing availability — even through something as simple as a spreadsheet error — and it can have serious economic implications. On top of that, each lender has different requirements. Alter Domus provides the operational expertise to help you navigate complexities and avoid negative consequences.

Bespoke services to ensure loan compliance

Reduce the heavy lifting

We do the calculations for you based on our internally created loan data and compliance models within our core systems.

Access expertise

Because we’ve worked with a wide range of lenders worldwide, we can ensure you’ll meet unique reporting and tracking requirements.

Leverage credible underlying data

Our in-system approach captures and tracks all relevant portfolio asset characteristics, senior debt, and other essential attributes that drive calculations — and completeness.

Get in touch with our team

Contact us today to learn more about Borrowing Base Administration.

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Asset-Based Loan Servicing

Comprehensive ABL support so you can take advantage of market opportunities

What is Asset-Based Loan Servicing?

Asset-based lending is booming, but the daily responsibilities of asset-based loan servicing can be a barrier to entry for lenders without sufficient staff or systems. It takes at least three people to appropriately run the back-office operations for the first loan. Alter Domus helps you cost-effectively participate in asset-based lending by handling all the necessary operational details — collateral monitoring, loan servicing, cash management, and more.

People and services positioning you for growth

Count on our experts

We do more than just service the loan. We review and validate collateral information and identify potential performance issues for quick response.

Cut your costs

You won’t have to hire or manage an expensive staff or incur the costs associated with running a book of business or your own collateral system.

Boost collateral confidence

Our systems efficiently process collateral data to meet credit monitoring requirements.

Retain control

We don’t make credit decisions or assume risk — you approve everything we do first.

Thrive in the ABL market with the only third-party ABL servicer in the US

Using this industry-known system makes it easier to track collateral and make wise lending decisions – all based on real-time information.

We handle it all to ensure consistency and correctness.

We service the loan and the collateral and offer cash management and underwriting support.

Get in touch with our team

Contact us today to learn more about Alter Domus’ Asset-Based Loan Servicing solutions.

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Loan Servicing

Purpose-built systems and teams to ensure compliance and operational efficiency

What is Loan Servicing?

It takes specialized knowledge to understand the nuances of error-free loan servicing — plus time, effort, and money to keep up with technological and operational demands. As experts servicing SBA, real estate, commercial, and distressed loans, we can handle everything from fund aggregation to waterfall and escrow administration to workout strategies. That eliminates the burdens on your business, so you can concentrate on delivering returns to investors.

No hiring, no training, lower costs, less risk

Get it right

Loan servicing is complex, and errors can be costly. Our technology-backed experts make things right from the start.

End the talent scramble

In-house turnover decreases efficiency and borrower confidence. Our dedicated teams are here to stay, supporting you throughout the loan lifecycle.

Streamline SBA loan reporting

SBA loan reporting requirements are burdensome, but our technology makes 1502 and 172 reporting error-free and fast.

Optimize special asset management

Our fit-for-purpose service, available on a full portfolio or one-off basis, guarantees appropriate workout strategies for closure, loan modification, forbearance, and bankruptcy.

Ensure credit due diligence

Our teams provide underwriting support, post-closing credit reviews, covenant monitoring, and construction draw administration.

Concentrate on yields

When you outsource loan servicing tasks, you can spend your time and resources focusing on growth.

A scalable, efficient solution

When it comes to pulling all capital needs into a central location at closing, we’re faster than a bank or law firm.

Because our advanced technology accommodates the nuances of different loan types, you avoid errors and reduce the risk of financial consequences.

We seamlessly perform all key loan servicing duties — from aggregating funds to providing escrow and cash management — and will grow as your portfolio does.

Get in touch with our team

Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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Agency Services

Know-how and purpose-built technology combined to move transactions forward

What are Agency Services?

Market forces drive challenges for lenders in the private credit, direct lender, and broadly syndicated loan (“BSL”) market to efficiently carry out their operational and back-office functions, especially when technology is everchanging and subject matter expertise is fragmented. Alter Domus helps you overcome those challenges through deep sector knowledge acquired over multiple full market cycles, with a proprietary platform that makes transaction management, communications, and portfolio management efficient and seamless.

Knowledge and technology paired for an end-to-end solution

Retain your focus

Utilizing our deep institutional knowledge and industrial scale allows clients to retain focus on their core business goals of driving investment performance, credit evaluation and management, origination, and fundraising.

Meet high volume and scale needs

Our platform and payments engine are purpose built to handle the full spectrum of transaction and portfolio sizes, routinely processing over 100,000 payments per day.

Stay ahead of the curve

Our proprietary Agency Services Platform delivers the transactional flexibility and secure communication requirements needed in the rapidly evolving global leveraged loan markets.

Ensure secure and efficient communications

Our proprietary CorPro platform puts transaction and agency portfolio information at your fingertips and provides a secure way to facilitate communication among borrowers and deal parties.

Count on our expertise

Our deep knowledge of leveraged loans, private credit, and broadly syndicated loans developed through our experience with thousands of transactions through numerous market cycles provides a unique perspective and expertise.

Access support, anytime

Alter Domus provides end-to-end service with dedicated support — people who know you, your needs, and how to help.

Peace of mind delivered

Our platform is purpose built for the scale and customization demands of the continuously evolving global leveraged loan market.

Our proprietary payments engine connects to numerous Tier 1 global banking institutions, offering flexibility for clients to leverage existing banking relationships.

Alter Domus’ proprietary systems drive enhanced levels of secure communications between deal parties to minimize risk.

Get in touch with our team

Contact us today to learn more about Alter Domus’ Agency Services.

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CLO Manager Services

A comprehensive, scalable, and cost-effective approach to reduce risk

What are CLO Manager Services?

Managing CLOs is a nuanced, difficult, and often risky process, especially for in-house personnel without experience. Your dedicated Alter Domus team will provide comprehensive operational support that goes beyond core loan servicing tasks — including ensuring you are managing your portfolio within all governing guidelines, helping you understand the impact of hypothetical trades, and ensuring your trustees’ data is in line.

Not just technology — support from experienced professionals

Draw on specialized expertise

Unlike tech companies that only provide software, with Alter Domus you’ll also have the full support of a dedicated, expert team.

Leave errors and inconsistency behind

We’ve equipped our experts with scalable technology specific to CLO administration, assuring high-quality customized reports.

Streamline your processes

You’ll streamline your compliance, portfolio, and trading processes throughout the CLO lifecycle.

Grow without expanding payroll

In-house experts are hard to find. Alter Domus puts the right people on your account to rein in payroll costs.

Around the clock support

Our teams in North America, EMEA and APAC know your needs and your jurisdiction. You’ll always have access to support.

Daily diligence to improve your confidence

We work every day with your trustees to ensure accurate, effective portfolio management.

Everything from cash balance information to trade activity reports will adhere to governing documents, upholding your business reputation.

We’ll ensure you meet rating agency standards and requirements.

Navigate complexity without having to hire, train, and retain your own staff — no matter how large you get.

Wherever you are, you’ll work with one team organized to meet your needs and improve your productivity.

Get in touch with our team

Contact us today to learn more about Alter Domus’ CLO Manager Services.

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